This part of website represents the main points that make up
The outline of the theory of eternal existence

0. The theory of eternal existence is based on the fact that the universe came into existence at a particular moment and before it was not there.This is the paradigm of this theory.
1. The main premise of this theory is the existence of a state beyond time and space. This is the foundation of this theory.
2. The thesis of the theory of eternal existence is that God recognized by most of humanity is the Original Being. He is an eternal, perfect and absolute Being. He has a Heart in Him that is the Eternal Source of the Original Power of Love, which makes Him the Creator, who created the universe, life and people from Himself.
3. A complementary hypothesis of the theory of eternal existence is that the Original Being occupies the entire sphere except time and space, that is, everything outside the space-time of the universe. This is His and ours eternal "home", that is, the eternal spiritual world.
4. The axiom in the theory of eternal existence is that "something" cannot arise out of "nothing." Thus, the space-time of the universe or universes had to have a source of origin. It is the Personality of the Original Being and Its Energy of the First Cause.
5. The existential judgment of the theory is that the Personality of the Original Being permeates the Energy of the First Cause. This creates a "model" for the spiritual person that permeates the physical person.
6. Eternity is in our spiritual person, which we receive from the Creator at the moment of our birth.
7. An additional existential judgment is that the Original Being knows no evil. The evil of this world appeared when an evil power of power was created by changing the direction of the Original Force of Love. As a consequence, the fallen nature inherited from Satan began to work in us. If we do not eliminate evil, it will last forever.
All knowledge shaped by the essenceism system leads to the theory of eternal existence.
The list of topics for the Outline of The Theory of Eternal Existence posted on this website:
= The Forerunner of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= The Conditions of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= The main concepts of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= Goals of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= Paradigm of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= Axioms of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= Assumptions of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= SCHEME for the Theory of Eternal Existence
= Theses and hypotheses of The Theory of Eternal Existence
= The existential judgments of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= Defining God in the Theory of Eternal Existence
= The Original Power of the Love of the Original Being
= Idea of the emergence of the Theory of Eternal Existence
= Comparison of WW Theory with WI_Theory_TABLE
= The most important findings of the Theory of Eternal Existence