Chapter 21

The Universe - The Original Being concept

The theory of eternal existence, introducing the analysis of the essenceism system into its claims, uses the concept of the universe shaped by the Original Being. At the same time, our universe has been described by science without reference to any Creator. Science, replacing the First Cause by the initial singularity, described the process of the creation of the universe in its own way. Unfortunately, due to such actions, the meaning of its creation remains an impossible mystery for her. It only determined the probable phenomenon of the Big Bang, along with the resulting states of energy and the laws that shape it. So it describes the initial superforce, cosmological inflation, and the formation of matter with the passage of time on the Plank scale. Instead of a Personal First Cause, it introduced a time mechanism that can either extend infinitely in the case of cosmological inflation, or extend infinitely to explain the phenomenon of evolution. All these efforts may be in order to bypass the possibility of the existence of a Personal Original Being. I am saddened to say that a large part of scientists are trying very hard not to accidentally speak out about understanding the role of the Creator in the creation of the universe, life on planet Earth and the appearance of humanity on it. In this way, scientists at their own request lose the chance to understand the meaning of the existence of the universe. Not wanting to accept the Creator's activity, they had to introduce some substitute terms, groping a bit among the dark matter, dark energy, permeating the universe. The same applies to the phenomenon of cosmological inflation, black holes or the existence of multiple universes. Thanks to this, you can make any hypotheses, especially regarding the possibility of the extinction of life or the end of the universe.

Of course, the theory of eternal existence does not intend to contradict the development of theoretical astrophysics, Einsteinian physics and quantum mechanics. They are able, at least "externally", to determine the processes taking place in the universe. Many events are already defined and many processes can be predicted with high probability. We are slowly learning the laws that govern the cosmos, we are understanding more and more the expansion of the universe, the transformation of energy into matter, as well as many phenomena occurring inside galaxies, in stars and on planets. Thanks to this, the cosmos is not treated as a great mystery. According to science, this is a developing structure, all the laws of which we will sooner or later learn. Maybe we will understand that it is not just a chasm filled with galaxies here and there. That is why my theory hopes that science will one day recognize the universe as a place shaped by the Original Being and as a zone intended for the development of people - His children.

Thanks to this approach, we can treat the constant expansion of the universe as a phenomenon related to our future. Admittedly, this statement is still a long way off, because we are still not very good at the welds of the Earth. Given this situation, the theory of eternal existence firmly asserts that our planet is well prepared for life that prepares us for eternity. For example, the problem of heating our homes can be given. When thousands of years ago there were few of us, we were satisfied with wood cut from numerous forests. When there were many more of us, we found coal underground, which turned out to be more calorific than wood. Over time, we began to extract an even better raw material, which is crude oil. I will also mention smaller energy sources, such as thermal resources, wind power or water power in small power plants. We still use electricity generated in fossil-fired power plants to heat our homes, although we are increasingly using nuclear reactors. In addition, there are photovoltaic panels that use the sun. Our star also has the most efficient source of energy up its sleeve, i.e. nuclear fusion. Unfortunately, fusion reactor technology is too expensive, or we haven't grown up with it yet. All this points to the wise provision of our Earth. It can therefore be concluded, after the analysis made for my theory by essenceism, that the intelligent plan of the Creator may be behind equipping our planet with energy sources.

In this context, my theory presents a bold thesis that our planet is one of many places in space where the Creator has created the conditions for raising His children. He probably would like that everywhere in the universe there were physical environments for people intended for their reaching perfection equal to the one that characterizes Himself. This thesis is one of the ideas of my theory. For the time being, planet Earth is the only place where people carrying spiritual persons destined for eternal life in a state beyond time and space can grow to perfection. Even if this is only a vision of my theory, it unambiguously gives sense to the existence of the universe.









Theory of eternal existence

Theory of Eternal Existence is the theory to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man. This theory was created by the analytical system of essenceism - Author

This website presents the contents of  Theory of Eternal Existence

 These are the Outline of Theory and a list of all parts of Theory of eternal existence:

       “Outline of Theory of Eternal Existence”- (a brief explanation of Theory)

 “Introduction”- (the creation a theory beyond scientific activity)

 “Rules of the Theory of eternal existence”- (the main concepts of Theory)

 “Completion of the idea of the Theory of eternal existence”- (the important remarks)

 “Original Being - Core of the Theory of eternal existence”- (the understanding of Creator)

 “Vision of eternity for man and the world”- (the arguments for eternity)

  “Conclution- (the most important findings of the Theory of eternal existence)

   Alphabetical compendium of the main concepts using on this website