Theory of Eternal Existence
”The beginning of life every human it is the beginning of eternity”

From the Author
I present the theory of eternal existence, the aim of which is a new understanding of the phenomena that surround us. My theory is primarily to introduce to the sphere of everyday life new knowledge about the existence of the Original Being as the proper Source of eternity. Its purpose is also to show the fact that our living environment shaped by the Original Being should enable us to exist forever. In this way, my theory is to make people realize that they are eternal.
After the publication of another seven books on the analytical system called essenceism, it is time to present the conclusions of his analyzes. I do this in the form of the presented theory of eternal existence, which results from the application of essenceism to the analysis of the existing reality as an introduction to the eternity that awaits us. The purpose of the theory of eternal existence is therefore to explain the eternity inherent in everyone's life. To achieve this, I had to make the hypothesis of the existence of a state beyond time and space fully permeated by the presence of the First Cause, i.e. the Original Being, more credible, in a manner modeled on scientific theories. In order to preserve the scientific character of my theses, I had to move away from the mysteries shaped for centuries by religions. I noticed that in the course of the development of our civilization, the true image of the Creator of the universe and the sense of human existence in his universe were deformed. Thus, the theory of eternal existence had to move away from the world view imparted to us by religions.
As I have created something completely new, for the time being I am alone in my activity. However, I hope that after some time mankind will gradually understand that each of us comes from the Eternal Creator, that is, that every man must be eternal like the Original Being.
Goals of the theory of eternal existence
1. The most important goal of my theory is to demonstrate the existence of a state beyond time and space, i.e. the spiritual world. This should not be an act of religious faith or secret knowledge.
2. The simultaneous goal of the theory of eternal existence is to convey knowledge about the existence of the eternal Original Being as the Creator of all things. God cannot be a mystery. It is to be replaced by the knowledge of Him.
3. The strategic goal of this theory is to show the pattern of goodness necessary for humanity to recreate reality in accordance with the concept of the Creator.
4. A very important goal of the theory of eternal existence is to show eternity in man as the proper state of his reality.
5. The emotional purpose of my theory is to show that the cosmos, life and people were created as a result of the action of the Original Force of Love. It introduces the Laws and Energy of the First Cause into the space-time of the universe. Thus, it can be said that the creation of the universe was an act of love towards people, that is, it was created for us.
6. The practical purpose of this theory is to explain that the eternity of man lies in our spiritual person led through life by a physical person.
7. The obligatory purpose of my theory is to make the world's religions aware to completely change their mission. It is about creating a new face of religion so that, using love, they can start working for the salvation of humanity from evil.
8. The current purpose of my theory is to suggest to politicians and clergy that they abandon the use of force of power and begin to apply love in activities.
Table of contents
Introduction - to the theory of eternal existence
Part I. Rules of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 1. Main concepts of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 2. The paradigm of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 3. Assumption of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 4. Axioms of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 5. Theses of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 6. Existential judgments of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 7. Creation scheme of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 8. Definitions and description of theory of eternal existence
Chapter 9. Restoring the proper sense to concepts
Part II. Complementing idea of theory of eternal existence
Chapter 10. The idea of the theory of eternal existence
Chapter 11. Important Feature of the Eternal Existence Theory
Chapter 12. Distinguishing of theory from vision of science and religion
Chapter 13. More knowledge about the state beyond time and space
Chapter 14. The need to understand our reality
Chapter 15. Evaluation of analytical methods concerning this theory
Chapter 16. Ideas of the theory of Eternal Existence in relation to philosophy
Chapter 17. Opinion of Theory Concerning World Religions
Chapter 18. Essenceism shaped the theory of eternal existence
Part III. Original Being - The core of my theory
Chapter 19. Creating a scientific pattern of God
Chapter 20. The source of the Theory - Original Being
Chapter 21. The Universe - the idea of the Original Being
Chapter 22. The Original Being and the state of the universe
Chapter 23. The dispute over the creation of the universe
Chapter 24. The main act of love of the Creator
Chapter 25. God's true love for people
Chapter 26. The role of the individual in the history of the world
Chapter 27. The Power of Power vs. the Power of Love
Part IV. A vision of eternity for man and the world
Chapter 28. Terms for understanding eternity
Chapter 29. Root arguments for eternity
Chapter 30. Eternity from God for man
Chapter 31. Science helps understand eternity
Chapter 32. Knowledge of eternity for everyone
Chapter 33. Vision of eternity in the universe
Chapter 34. Eternity of man and other beings
Chapter 35. Reasons for not understanding eternity
Chapter 36. Views that no one expected
The most important findings of the theory of eternal existence